![]() ICATT’2015 First Announcement and Call for papers | ||
X (ANNIVERSARY) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ANTENNA THEORY AND TECHNIQUES Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 21-24, 2015 Venue: Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics |
Suggested Topics
- General antenna theory
- Reflector, lens and hybrid antennas
- Antenna arrays
- Adaptive and smart antennas
- Ultrawideband, wideband and multi-frequency antennas
- Printed antennas
- Antennas for mobile communication
- Antennas for remote sensing
- Feeder circuits and their elements
- Antenna measurements
- Analytical and numerical methods for calculating microwave devices
- Microwave components and circuits of microwave and optoelectronic communication system
- Industrial and medical application of microwave technologies
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Antenna radomes and absorbers
- Teaching electromagnetic field & antenna theory in high school
- Ukrainian National Antenna Association (NAA);
- Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE);
- National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnical Institute" (NTUU “KPI”);
- Academy of Sciences of Applied Radio Electronics (ASAR) ;
- Radio Astronomy Institute (RAI) NASU;
- Kharkiv Joint Chapter AP/C/EMC/SP/COM of Ukraine Section IEEE,
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications;
- V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (KhNU)
Honorary Chairman: Prof. Yakov S. Shifrin (KhNURE), President NAA, Life Fellow IEEE
Chairman: Prof. Peter L. Tokarsky (RAI NASU), Senior Member IEEE
Co-Chairmen: Prof. Nickolay N. Kolchigin (V.N.Karazin KhNU); Prof. Fedor F.Dubrovka (NTUU “KPI”)
Organizing Committee Chairman: Prof. Nickolay I. Slipchenko, Pro-rector KhNURE
Important Dates
- Deadline for abstract submission: January 15, 2015
- Notification about acceptance: February 1, 2015
- Deadline for paper submission: March 10, 2015
Working languages: English, Russian, and Ukrainian, with translation into English when needed.
Proceedings ICATT’2015 will be published in English
Address for correspondence:
Orgcommittee ICATT’15, Lenina prospekt 14, Kharkiv 61166 Ukraine
tel: +38-057-702-13-97, +38-057-702-17-35.
E-mail: icatt@kture.kharkov.ua; website : http://icatt.org.ua
Author Guidelines
Instructions for authors ICATT-2015 download (doc, 87 kB)
1Y. S. Shifrin and 2N. N. Kolchigin
1Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
E-mail: shifrin@kture.kharkov.ua
2Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
E-mail: Nikolay.N.Kolchigin@univer.kharkov.ua
Authors are required to prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the specifications in this instruction. Please send your manuscripts (both .doc and .pdf files) as an attachment to icatt@kture.kharkov.ua by March 10, 2015.
This pattern contains all the styles that should be used in the paper. The detailed instructions are given below.
Your Abstract should not exceed fourteen lines.
Keywords: You can include up to two lines of keywords, we recommend using the keywords list from any of the relevant IEEE Transactions.
Regular manuscripts must not exceed 3 pages. Invited papers must not exceed 6 pages.
The paper layout is already set in this pattern. You shouldn’t change margin settings or use “Section break” (consider using “Column break” or “Page break” instead).
Normally you needn’t set the styles for the preamble since all of them are already set (it is better to place your text instead of formatting).
- Paper title should be formatted with the style “01_TITLE”, (you can use button “Title” (the leftmost) at the provided panel). If you need intentionally break your title at some place you should use line break (Shift + Enter) as shown in the title. The title should be as concise as possible – generally no more than two lines.
- Authors’ names should be formatted with the style “01_Authors”, (you can use button “Auth” at the provided panel). Separate the initials with non-breaking spaces. If several authors have different affiliation, place a superscripted number before each name. Separate the names with commas, before the last one place “and” (with previous comma if there were more than one name before).
- Authors’ affiliations and addresses should be formatted with the style “03_Affiliations”, (you can use button “Affil” at the provided panel). You may provide either e-mail of a corresponding author only, or e-mails of each author if needed.
- Abstract heading. You should simply leave this heading unchanged.
- Abstract body should be formatted with the style “05_Abstract_Body”, (you can use button “AbstBody” at the provided panel). Your abstract should not exceed fourteen lines.
- Keywords should not exceed two lines. We recommend using commonly recognizable keywords that can be found for example in any index of any relevant IEEE Transactions. Use the style “07_Keywords_Paragraph” (or button “Key-Par”)
For the first paragraph after any heading use the style “11_1st_Normal” or the button “1Norm”. This style also can be used if you need an ordinary paragraph without indentation (e.g. after a formula).
For any subsequent paragraphs use the style “12_next_Normal” or the button “nNorm”.
For headings use the following styles:
- Main section headings: style “08_Section_Heading” (button “SectHead”).
- First-level subheadings: style “09_1st_SubHeading” (button “1SubHead”).
- Second-level subheadings: style “10_2nd_SubHeading” (button “2SubHead”).
2.2.1. This is an example of a second-level subheadings.
Please note, that all the headings should be numbered (see example of numbering in this paper). It is at author’s responsibility to check numbering.
Below are some more tips regarding the text layout
- Use the bullets like here. You can use button “Bull” at the provided panel.
- Insert only a single space after a sentence.
- If necessary for clarity, you may include a glossary of mathematical symbols etc. under an unnumbered heading ‘Notation’ after the Acknowledgements.
- Do not use automatic footnotes or any special/hidden coding. Avoid excessive formatting. Turn off “fast save” and “revisions.”
3.1. UNITS
Use SI units wherever appropriate. Use ‘ms-1’ rather than m/s.
We highly recommend using MathType for typesetting equations. If this commercial product is unavailable at your computer then use the standard Equation Editor that is supplied with a MS Word. Use MathType formulas for math whenever possible in text instead of simple text. For those who will use MathType we recommend using the MathType equation preferences from the file “TeX Look.eqp” (use menu item Preferences / Equation Preferences / Load from File…). Those who use Equation Editor should specify the font size 10 pt.
Number all equations at the right edge of their column. If using MathType you can make use of automatic numbering, but specify the equation number format like this (single equation number without section/chapter number)
Equations should fit in a single column, even if they span two lines.
Use style “13_Display_Equation” (button “DispEq” at the pannel) for formatting display equations.
Illustrations must be inserted into the document in a floatable table as shown. The table with the figure should be aligned at the bottom or top of the margins at the centre of column. We recommend copying the provided table into the place where you first refer to your figure and then replace the figure with yours and the capture with corresponding text. Surely you can place more than one figure in a table by adding rows. The figure caption should be formatted with style “14_Figure_Caption” (button “Fig” at the pannel).
Illustrations should mostly fit in a single column, as below (Fig. 1). If necessary, a figure can span over two columns (Fig. 2). All illustrations should be referred to in the text as above. It is desired to keep all figures attached to the top or bottom margin.
Fig. 1. A very long caption for this figure, that can’t fit in one line.
Captions should be concise, leaving full explanation to the text.
Files with all the figures should be attached to your manuscript in one of the following formats: eps, emf, jpg, gif, tiff.
Photographs should be screened and appear clear when reproduced at a resolution of 300 dots per inch.
Figures prepared with MS Word drawing capabilities should be avoided, or if used, they should be placed at a separate figure. To do this, you should go to the menu item “Insert/Object” and choose “Microsoft Word Picture”. Then you can draw your figure or copy it from another place. After you close your figure it will appear in your document. This method allows creating a portable picture (like in Fig. 2) that does not depend on the provided styles.
Tables may span one or two columns. All tables except for small ones should be as far as possible attached to the top or bottom margins.
Table captions should be at the top of each table, but otherwise conform to the specifications for illustrations. Use style “15_Table_Caption” (button “Tabl” at the panel) for the table caption. If the cells doesn’t contain any complex formatting then we recommend using style “18_Table_Cell” (button “Cell” at the panel).
Table 1. A very long table caption that can’t be fit-ted within one line.
Cell 11 Cell 12
Cell 21 Cell 22
Cell 31 Cell 32
Please take great care to ensure references are properly and fully included in your manuscript. They are the most common source of drafting faults in papers.
Fig. 2. An example of a figure that spans over two columns. This is a very long caption for this figure, that can’t fit in one line.
The following system should be used for citing publications in the text and listing their details at the end of the manuscript:
Citations should be made in the convenient way in square brackets like these [1], [1-15, 17], [1, p.23], [1, Eq.2].
“Personal communication” contributions should appear in an Acknowledgment at the end of the paper.
All references cited should be listed at the end of the paper (or prior to any Appendix, if included). See the ‘References’ section of this paper for examples of listing references.
The list of references should be formatted with the style “17_Reference_List” (button “RefList”).
The conference proceedings are not intended as a marketing opportunity and should not be treated as such. Brand names, trade marks, logos etc. should only be used where they are important to the understanding of the paper.
Any claims about the performance or quality of a product or service should not use superlatives but be demonstrated by data.
The author is responsible for all material contained in the manuscript they submit. Co-authors should agree to the submission of the paper.
Acknowledgment by the author of the use of material from an outside source is a condition of such use, as well as a courtesy. Wherever possible, it should be made not only in the Acknowledgments section but also at the place or places in the text where the material is included.
- Dahl R. 1986, Two Fables, ill. G. Dean, Viking (Penguin), Harmondsworth.
- Milligan T.C., Secombe H. & Sellers P. 1986, ‘Acoustic remote sensing background noise sources’, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. 145, 233-8.
- Seed, A. W., Nicol J., Austin G. L., Stow C. D., and Bradley S. G. 1998, ‘A physical basis for parameter selection for Z-R relationships.’ In: Weather Radar Technology for Water Resources Management. UNESCO Press, Montevideo. Ed. Braga, B. P. F., and O. Massambani. 103-114.
- Bradley, S. G., Taylor J., Stow C. D., and Woods G. 1998, ‘SODAR, mini-SODAR, RASS, rain profiler, and ultrasonic spectrometer use in a mesoscale wind/rain study’, Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. Acoust. Rem. Sens., Vienna, 167-170.
This is where you would insert any appendix. Multiple appendices should be labeled A, B, C, ….
Instructions for authors ICATT-2015 download (doc, 87 kB)
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2015-01-15.