Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’03 - IV International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Wideband multiprobe microwave multimeter
Volodymyr M. Volkov, Olga B. Zaichenko

Last modified: 2014-06-28


The device, sensors and mathematics permit us to get new results in precision, performance function linearity, long term stability characteristics and so on. A multimeter, for passing, incident, reflected power, reflection coefficient module, and phase and wavelength, could be designed in the three versions, depending on its purpose: multimeter for fixed frequency; wideband one for waveguide; very wideband one for coaxial lines. It is necessary to solve the next main questions: choice of sensor type and their dislocation; elaboration of the signal processing algorithm; the functional scheme; evaluation of general error; ground metrological support.


VHF signal and tract parameters measurement; microwave multimeter; transformation coefficient; frequency independence; sensor signal processing algorithm; sensor on absorbing wall principle design

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