Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’03 - IV International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Antenna alignment for radiometeoric synchronization systems
Ya. A. Koval, V. V. Obelchenko, I. E. Antipov, G. V. Nesterenko, B. S. Dudnik

Last modified: 2014-06-25


We consider questions of the orientation and tuning of radiometeoric synchronization complex (RMSC) antennas, taking into account path extension and area relief. Design data are obtained under the following assumptions: the troposphere is normal; the mean height of a meteoric trace is 95 km; the carrier frequency is that of the "METKA" RMSC signal; the surface of a reflecting region is horizontal and smooth; the elementary antenna has horizontal polarization.


aligment of antennas; radio meteoric synchronization complex; azimuth of communication line; elevation angle

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