Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’13 - IX International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Aperture oscillations, enhanced transmission and polarization plane rotation in the light of natural oscillations spectrum
Andrey O. Perov, Anatoliy A. Kirilenko, Nataliya G. Kolmakova (Don), S. A. Prikolotin, Sergey L. Senkevich

Last modified: 2015-09-09


The physical background of resonance phenomena such as the “enhanced trans-mission” (through below cutoff holes) and the “optical activity” (polarization plane rotation) is shown by the eigenoscillation analysis of various objects with C2 or C4 symmetry in a square waveguide. Units of three kinds, namely waveguide bifurcations (plane junctions), double-slot or four-slot plane-chiral irises and composite conjugated plane-chiral irises in the square waveguide are considered. New compact units based on the fringing field interaction and aimed to rotate the polarization plane by 90° (in double-slot case) or by an arbitrary angle (in four-slot case) areproposed. The conclusions are completely applicable to double-periodical structures, as a possible base for development of metamaterials.