Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

General antenna theory

Diffraction problem in bistatic zone of radio acoustic sounding systems
N. I. Slipchenko, Liu Chang, A. Yu. Panchenko

Wideband, ultrawideband and multifrequency antennas

Study on a novel wideband omni-antenna
Lijia Chen, - Tenigeer, Jinghui Qiu
Analysis of a wideband plasma monopole antenna design
Wei Li, Jinghui Qiu, Ying Suo, Lijia Chen

Microwave technologies application

Frequency and angular dependences of the reflection of radioabsorbing quasi-chaotic dipole material of the "Ternovnik" type
S. B. Bibikov, Ed. I. Kulikovskij, V. N. Semenenko, V. A. Chistyaev


80 years to professor Anatoly Chaplin
Org Comittee