Last modified: 2014-03-12
Results of the researches directed on finding-out of a true state of affairs in the history of origin of radio engineering’s term of "antenna" are presented in the report. As a result of this report can be considered that the first document, we are aware of that uses the word l’antenne for an electromagnetic transmitter, is a paper by Lucien Poincare, presented in 30 January 1898 at a Revue generale des sciences pures et appliquees. This paper by Lucien Poincare contained information that Marconi was the author of radio engineering's term "antenna”. It is shown that radio engineering's term "antenna" was introduced by Marconi, but a main role in expansion of this term to modern radio engineering has an publications of France's scientists Lucien Poincare, Andre Broca and A. E. Blondel.