Presentations and Authors

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Invited papers

The development of antenna theory and techniques in Lviv Polytechnic National University
Yu. Ya. Bobalo, V. P. Antoniuk, V. D. Golynskyy, Viktor V. Hoblyk, Leonid V. Lazko, D. O. Mymrikov, V. G. Nikitchenko, Ivan N. Prudyus, G. S. Radzih, V. G. Storozh, Eugenia I. Yakovenko, Y. A. Zakharia, A. M. Zubkov

Reflector, lens and hybrid antennas

Plasmon antenna with complex profile of dielectric permittivity change
Viktor V. Hoblyk, I. V. Nychai, O. M. Liske

Analytical and numerical methods

Mathematical models of the radiating and waveguide structures with N-fold periodicity
Viktor V. Hoblyk
Mathematical model of the cylinder with modulation of surface impedance by periodic sequence of Gaus functions
Viktor V. Hoblyk, V. A. Pavlysh
Mathematical model and the analysis of a field of the disk impedance antenna with spiral heterogeniety
Viktor V. Hoblyk, Nadiya M. Hoblyk