Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’09 - VII International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

An optimized MAS for solving scattering problems
A. Capozzoli, C. Curcio, G. D’Elia, G. De Bono, A. Liseno, P. Vinetti

Last modified: 2014-03-01


A new criterion driving the choice of the locations of the Auxiliary Sourcers (AS) is introduced with the aim to improve the performance of the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) applied to the solution of the integral equations as those encountered in electro-magnetic scattering.

The approach is based on the optimization of the singular value behavior of the matrix relating the AS excitations and the scattered field values at the matching points on the scatterer boundary. The ill-conditioning of the problem of determining the AS excitations matching the boundary conditions is then significantly reduced and the accuracy of the estimated scattered field is improved.

The performance of the method is numerically assessed, in a 2D scalar geometry, by discussing in the details the case of a circular perfectly conducting scatterer.


electromagnetic scattering; auxiliary sources; singular value optimization

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