Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’07 - VI International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Electrodynamics of regular composite medium with grates of contrast material plates
V. B. Kazanskiy, V. R. Tuz

Last modified: 2014-05-23


The electromagnetic fields of the bounded sequence of the same four-layer heterogeneities are investigated. The heterogeneity is formed by different homogeneous isotropic layers and thick periodical grates of rectangular cross-section infinite plates are made from contrast (silver, silica) materials. The frequency region where silver have both negative and positive permittivity is examined. The grates are considered as homogeneous anisotropic layers with permittivity and permeability effective tensors. The diffraction problem is solved with using the circuit theory and matrix functions methods.


composite medium; anisotropic layers; grates; periodical sequence

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