Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’05 - V International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Antennae variety for remote sensing of surroundings
Felix J. Yanovsky

Last modified: 2014-03-05


This paper is an overview of different types of antennae applications for observation of surroundings including remote sensing of earth surface, atmosphere, ground penetration and aircraft collision avoidance. The overview covers all frequency bands from millimeter waves up to very long waves. Some recently obtained results on Doppler-polarimetric methods of atmosphere research as well as on new airborne collision avoidance system creation are included.  Specificity of antennae of different applications is discussed. This paper mainly reflects the works, which were done with author participation, and does not aspire to saturation coverage of the entire infinite field of antennae application.


antenna; active radar; remote sensing; passive radar; natural medium observation; doppler radar; polarimetric measurements

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