Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’03 - IV International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Radio telescope RT-70 in Evpatoria and space investigations
Oleksander O. Konovalenko, L. N. Lytvynenko, Kees van’t Klooster

Last modified: 2014-06-05


The current situation with the Evpaloria 70-m antenna is described. This unique 70-meter radio-telescope antenna (RT-70) was realised between 1973 and 1978 and was an important element in different missions as antenna in transmit-receive mode for instance for the missions like Venera, Granat, Interbol, etc. It was and is used in other modes like radar for planetary and asteroid investigations as well as radio telescope. Its current state is such that after and with the necessary maintenance the tasks can be continued and expanded. Technical activities are carried out today with involvement of the first author for the technical management on behalf of the Ukrainian Space Agency, in particular today the "interferometer" - project be mentioned. The potential for future use is briefly indicated.


radiotelescopes; radiowave interferometers; reflector antennas

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