Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’03 - IV International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Two-element assembly of measuring antennas for a 1-12.75 GHz frequency range
Yury P. Mickhayluck, Alexander A. Savochkin

Last modified: 2014-06-28


The results are considered of the development of a two-element measuring antenna assembly for the range 1-12.75 GHz. It is intended, in particular, for testing the characteristics of anechoic chambers at the indicated range. The assembly consists of two broadband log-periodic antennas with different coefficients of frequency coverage. The main design parameters and electrical characteristics of the antennas are presented.


UHF antennas; anechoic chambers; broadband antennas; log periodic antennas; microwave antennas; multifrequency antennas

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