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Experimental estimation of influence of heated antenna radome on quality of functioning of radiometric information systems of infra-red and millimeter wave bands
Last modified: 2014-06-27
When aircraft fly in dense atmospheric layers at hypersonic speeds, there is heating of antenna radomes for optical and radio information systems. The heating of the radome influences most of all the operation of passive radiometric (RM) information systems operating in the infrared and millimeter wave bands (IR and MMW) because RM information sensors are highly-sensitive receivers of low intensity signals in a background of powerful external interference and RM receiver noise. The paper describes experimental studies of the influence of a heated antenna radome on the functional quality of radiometric information systems at infrared and millimeter wave bands.
aircraft antennas; infrared detectors; millimetre wave antennas; millimetre wave detectors; radiometry; radomes; temperature
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