Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’03 - IV International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Synthesis of resonant antennas with semitransparent external boundaries
Mykhailo I. Andriychuk, O. F. Zamorska

Last modified: 2014-06-08


The synthesis problem of resonant antennas according to the prescribed amplitude radiation pattern is considered. Variational statement of the synthesis problem is used. The functional, that allows one to minimize a mean-square deviation of the prescribed and received amplitude radiation patterns as well as taking into account the restrictions on a field in the given areas of a near zone is used as criterion of optimization. The appropriate nonlinear equations having the nonunique solution are obtained. The developed approach of solving these equations gives the possibility to determine the antenna parameters, which are more acceptable for practical use. Results of numerical modeling are presented.


resonant antenna; amplitude radiation pattern; variational approach; constructive synthesis

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