Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’99 - III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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A modified microwave technology of heating and drying granular dielectrics
Vladymyr I. Rudakov, A. V. Demchenko, Y. V. Zaichenko

Last modified: 2014-03-10


At the moment a power saving for power-intensive production processes is very actual in Ukraine. The microwave technologies known from [1–5] permit to reduce time of dielectric heating to a specified temperature and to achieve power consumption saving in 2–3 times. However, an application of only micro-wave energy to dry dielectrics is not effective enough [1], and thus, the technologies combining various types of power actions [5, 6] to dry dielectrics are used.

Thus the present paper is devoted to a theoretical backgrounds of modified microwave technology of dielectric drying which presents a combination of two types of power action towards dielectric being exposed simultaneously, namely: microwaves and hot air flow of specified temperature and humidity according to [1–5].

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