Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’99 - III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Dual-band antennas on the base of surface wave lines
N. A. Bei, V. L. Khandamirov, A. A. Volkov, A. V. Panteleev

Last modified: 2014-03-10


The antennas of surface waves, such as dielectric rod radiators, helix and impedance structures, have a number of features making expedient their application in a number of multiband antennas. Among these features it is necessary first of all to mark the following: rather weak coupling between inputs of antennas located at small distances (for example, in the phased array), existence of interaction between surface waves of the close located antennas, to great extent determining their pattern, capability of functioning on waves with various polarization and small cross-sectional overall dimensions. Taking into account these features the possibility of using such radiators for a construction of dual-band antenna array and reflector feed are considered.

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