Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’99 - III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

On the estimation of electromagnetic characteristics of the system of dipole radiators in the logperiodic antenna
L. G. Burova, Yu. Yu. Radtzig

Last modified: 2014-03-10


Logperiodic antennas are widely used for construction of super-wideband antenna systems [1]. A log-periodic antenna is a system of discrete radiators (dipoles or slots), whose every subsystem forms the directivity diagram in its frequency band. The number of overlapping bands depends both on the general number of radiators in the logperiodic array and on the constructive parameters of arrays. Unfortunately, existing methods of estimating electromagnetic characteristics of such antennas have a very rough character due to mathematical complexities that can occur. In general, their construction is done experimentally, when one has to obtain the given characteristics of radiation and broad-band matching by a trial-and-error method.

In the paper a rigorous method is proposed to analyze a subsystem of the logperiodic array consisting of several dipoles. The method is based on the use of the numerical analytical method that was first offered to analyze dipole and slot radiators [2-3]. For the analysis of director antennas, this method was used in paper [4], where the rigorous analysis of a system of active and passive radiators was performed.

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