Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’99 - III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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An adaptive compensation of partially polarized interferences in the presence of polarization differences in a frequency band
L. G. Kornienko, F. F. Mysik, S. Y. Polyakov

Last modified: 2014-03-10


The influence of the non-identities of the basic and supplementary channels' characteristics on the efficiency of self-balancing potentiometers (SBP) of interferences explicitly enough is analysed in the literature, including the books [1, 2]. The interferences by virtue of one or other reasons [3] frequently are partially polarized. The features of the adaptive compensation of interferences are studied in [3, 4]. In this paper [5] the influence of the polarization differences of antennas on the efficiency of the SBP is investigated, but the research is carried out in a narrow-band approximation. In the present paper the influence on a limiting suppression factor of one-channel SBP of polarization differences of antennas in a frequency band is studied.

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