Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’99 - III International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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The α-properties of electromagnetic field fractal dipole
I. V. Lysokon', Volodymir M. Onufrienko

Last modified: 2014-03-12


The Hertz’s dipole is known as variant of the scheme, which ensures a heavily radiation at a rather small connected part of an energy. For mathematical simulation of such dipole usually use the idealized elementary electrical vibrator, which is located in a boundless homogeneous isotropic nonconductive medium. The vibrator is represented as wires, short on a comparison with a wavelength, from a constant on all it to length by amplitude and phase of a cur-rent. In an inconsistency with this classical model there is a practical problem creation of a vibrator with amplitude and phase of a current, which are constant on all it to length. Nor it is obviously possible to supply presence of a material medium with properties of a homogeneity and nonconductivity.

Proceeding from fractal representations about a structure of a current in a conductor and field in semiconductor medium, we enter α-characteristics of electromagnetic field and we create differintegral model of electrical vibrator.

In the present work we use the concept of fractional calculus [1, 2] which allows most completely to map fractal properties of the real physical object [3–6].

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