Use of electromagnetic fields of extremely high frequency band for productivity improvement of cereal crops


  • Gennadiy A. Morozov Kazan National Research Technical University, Russian Federation
  • N. E. Stakhova Science Research Institute of Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Federation
  • I. P. Talanov Science Research Institute of Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Federation
  • P. I. Talanov Kazan State Agricultural University, Russian Federation
  • A. V. Stepura Kazan State Technical University, Russian Federation



microwave technologies, seed processing


At present, in connection with rapid changes in climatic conditions, it is important to find the ways for preserving required productivity of farming crops.

Microwave technology allows us to improve seed germination ability by their preplanting processing, which is one of the factors indicating an increase in productivity of farming crops.

Here, we focus mainly on designing the models for managing biological objects and systems, at choosing parameters of electromagnetic fields of the extreme high frequencies, and at finding optimal modes for the pre-planting seed processing. Results of theoretical and experimental studies presented here confirm the possibility of controlling productivity of crops by their processing by electromagnetic fields of extremely high frequencies.


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