Double-polarization antenna for MIMO system of wireless communication


  • S. V. Nesteruk Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine
  • P. I. Travkin Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications, Ukraine



polarization diversity, flat spiral antenna, quadrifilar spiral antenna, balun device, MIMO system


A new type of flat quadrifilar spiral antenna is proposed for use in modern wireless MIMO systems. The developed antenna has compact dimensions and operates in a wide frequency range that fully covers the WiFi (2.4-2.4835 GHz) range. The problem of excitation of the proposed quadrifilar spiral antenna is solved with the help of the balancing and matching device introduced in the report.

Efficiency of the antenna is proved by experiment that compares the real throughput of the wireless information system to the one using two standard “rubber duck” antennas.


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