Antenna science atlantes


  • Victor F. Kravchenko Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, RAS, Russian Federation
  • Yakov S. Shifrin Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine



remembrance, Aleksander A. Pistolkors, Efim G. Zelkin, Lev D. Bakhrakh


The article is devoted to memory of three outstanding scientists – Aleksander A. Pistolkors, Efim G. Zelkin and Lev D. Bakhrakh, whose jubilee dates fall on 2011. A brief story about their lives is given, namely about enormous services of each of them in creation of the modern antenna theory foundations, in the development of many original antenna systems, in writing fundamental antenna text-books and monographs with which many thousands of highly skilled antenna specialists of different generations have studied. Significant attention is also paid to description of their tireless and many-sided scientific-organizational activities that essentially favored creation of amicable antenna community in the USSR. The article is mainly based on remembrances of its authors who used to be tightly related during several decades to each of persons whose jubilees are celebrated.


SHIFRIN, Y.S. How we lived. Kharkov: Kontrast, 2004. 512 p. [in Russian].

The Pistolkors-Bakhrakh scientific school. Antennas, 2004, n.8-9, p.87-88.

Efim Grigor'evich Zelkin. Uspekhi Sovremennoy Radioelektroniki, 2006, n.4.

Lev Davidovich Bakhrakh. Antennas, 2009, n.7, p.146.

