Intellectual antennas and electromagnetic compatibility in the future systems of mobile communication


  • V. S. Blinov Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine



intellectual antenna, mobile communication, user's radioaccess, electromagnetic compatibility


The tendencies of increase of knowledge of a society, the growth of mobility of population, the increase of loading on systems on a radio communication, including mobile and systems of a user radio access, aggravate the problem of electromagnetic compatibility and rational use of a radiospectrum [Blinov V. S. and Moskalets N. V., 2002]. Avalanche growth of number of subscriber of such systems, volume and kinds of the transmitted information stimulate the alternation of generations of systems to more perfect. The important role in reconciliation of inconsistent requirements of high throughput and EMC of radiomeans should be played by antennas of radio stations. They, probably, should be adaptive, intellectual, advanced aerials. It is the subject of the given research.


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Adaptive antenna arrays and signal processing