Switching hemispherical antenna array
antenna phased arrays, antenna radiation patternsAbstract
All know radio engineering systems, including of flight vehicles (FV) landing systems, (for example, airplanes, lowered space vehicles, etc.) have one essential defect: in order to implements FV tracking the antenna system (AS) should mechanically change the own azimuth and elevation, and radiation pattern (RP) should move in space with large speed reaching 40 Hz. It is known, that any mechanical movement is connected both with the power expanses, and with operational expanses.
Evidently solution of a problem is FV tracking by means of phased antenna arrays (PAA) meet the troubles caused their very high cost. In present article it is offered to combine rather low cost of mechanical moving antennas with fast nonmechanical steering of RP by development of switching hemispherical PAA (HPAA) which characteristics are identical to the characteristics of antenna with mechanical steering of RP.
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