Analysis of waveguide-slot radiators in the presence of dissipative medium
absorbing media, dielectric losses, dielectric waveguides, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, electromagnetic wave scattering, rectangular waveguides, waveguide theoryAbstract
The scattering parameters of waveguide-slot radiators and coupling elements in the presence of ohmic losses in the system are under consideration. The problems of accounting dielectric losses and waveguide walls finite conductivity are solved in the cases when waveguides or slots are partially or fully filled with a lossy dielectric or are empty. The cases of dielectric slab position parallel to the narrow walls of a rectangular waveguide and broad ones are considered. The questions of eigenwaves orthogonality are discussed. The behaviour of eigenvalues of dominant wave and higher ones is studied. The ohmic losses of energy in the waveguide region containing a slot are investigated.References
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General antenna theory