Efficiency of power transmission system by a microwave beam with non-axial arrangement of transmitting and receiving apertures
Systems of wireless power transmission by a micro-wave beam are prospective for remote energy supply of air and space flying vehicles, for transportation of the generated in space electric energy to the Earth, for wireless power transmission between on-ground points and for a number of other applications. For high efficiency of energy transmission to be achieved it is necessary to provide the optimal aperture illumination of a transmitting antenna as well as a co-axial arrangement and a polarization matching of transmitting and receiving antennas. However in practice, especially in cases when power transmission is organized between objects moving relatively each other, the co-axial arrangement of the antennas, as a rule, is disturbed. Therefore it is quite urgent to create a mathematical model of the wireless power transmission system that could take into account a dislocation of the transmitting and receiving antennas from the co-axial arrangement and allow to analyze and optimize the system with a sufficient accuracy at various values of system parameters.References
Shokalo, V.M.; Rybalko, A.M. Efficiency of the Power Transmission System by a Microwave Beam. Kharkov: Kharkov Tech. University of Radio Electronics, 1995, 40 p. [in Russian].
Microwave technologies application