Influence of nonlinear capacitance of a microwave rectifying diode on rectenna characteristics


  • Anatoly I. Luchaninov Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine
  • M. A. Omarov Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine
  • A. A. Konovaltsev Kharkiv State Technical University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine



Nowadays radio electronic devices are widely used in many fields of national economy. One of these fields is the space energetics, where systems of wire-less power transmission by a microwave beam (WPT system) are rather viable and have good prospects for realization. A transmitting part of WPT system, radiating a required power and forming the micro-wave beam of a desired form, is maintained on a power satellite supplying energy to a few space vehicles. As receivers of energy on these vehicles arrays of antenna-rectifiers (rectennas) are used, which transform microwave energy into direct current by means of rectifying Schottky diodes.


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Shifrin, Y.S.; Luchaninov, A.I.; Shokalo, V.M.; Shcherbina, A.A. Methods for Increasing of Large Rectenna Efficiency. Turkish Journal of Phisics, 1996, Vol. 20, No. 8, p. 856-861.

