Phase shift measurements for antenna systems
The necessity to create the high accurate antenna systems for radio systems and complexes [1] requires to provide this sphere of science and engineering with a high accurate phase-metering equipment. It's used to measure phase characteristics of units and blocks of antenna feeding systems, feeds, and antenna in the full sense [1-3], and to receive signals (phase radio direction finders, monopulse radars), and to control the operation (phase antenna arrays) as well. Also it's used for periodical attestation of antenna feeding systems. The accuracy of the equipment for antenna phase measurements has to be a subject of the requirements of the national standards [4, 5]. These requirements are satisfied by methods of phase measurements and appropriate microwave phase-meters.
The present paper shows the analysis of errors of the proposed wide band, high speed, and accurate microwave phase-meter (below - a phase-meter) ant its peculiarities with respect to the analogues. As a prototype the phase-meter [6] has been used. The block diagram has been calculated in 1991 for the Laboratory of Antennas Systems and Telecommunication (headed by Dr. F. Dubrovka) of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Bachrach, L.D.; Voskresenskiy, D.I. Problems of Antenna Engineering. Moscow: Radio i Sviaz, 1989, 368 p. [in Russian].
GOST 23066-78, Moscow, 1978, 10 p.
GOST 23282-78, Moscow, 1978, 9 p.
GOST 8.192-76, Moscow, 1976, 4 p.
GOST 8.415-81, Moscow, 1981, 4 p.
Bova, N.T. USSR Patent No. 176614. Phase shift meter, 1965.
Bondarenko, I.K.; Dejnega, G.A.; Magrachev, Z.V. Automatization of Measurements of the Parameters of Microwave Lines. Moscow: Sov. Radio, 1969, 304 p. [in Russian].
Ogorodnijchuk, L.D. USSR Patent No. 991326. Method to Measure Phase Difference, 1983.