Transient excitation of coaxial cone antenna
In relation to the using of ultrawideband signals in radar and radiocommunication there appeared a variety of mathematical methods for solving the problems for such signal radiation and propagation. One of them is the method of evolutionary equations relating to the analytical methods in time domain.
The essence of the method is that the basis for electromagnetic field expansion is constructed in cross-section. This permits to represent the field in waveguide or free space as a package of the modes and to trace their changes with longitudinal coordinate and passage of time. This requires to solve the evolutionary equation system that represents the second-order partial differential equations of Klein-Gordon type with given initial and boundary conditions. It is convenient to use the method for solving transient problems of radiation and propagation of waves excited by sources with arbitrary time dependencies in layered nonhomogeneous and nonstationary media.
In work [2] the characteristics of the coaxial cone antenna (CCA) with a infinite screen are studied theoretically and experimentally in receiving mode. The radiator is the cone antenna excited by step of current. However, at theoretical analysis there considered only one specific case of time current dependence and used the Fourier transform of the solution for sinusoidal waves.
The goal of this work is to investigate the videopulse radiation from coaxial cone antenna theoretically by means of the methods of Evolutionary Equations and Duhamel integral as well as to check experimentally the obtained results.
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