Multi-band electronically scanned antennas of santimeter and millimeter range waves
The capabilities of construction of electrically scanning antennas, working at several frequency bands, are determined basically by appropriate characteristics of phasing devices and radiators. Lenses with the electronically controlled refraction index have a number of advantages in comparison with multi-element phased array, their application allows to considerably simplify a design and manufacturing technology of millimeter wave range antennas with electrical beam scanning in wide angle sector [1, 3].
Controlled lenses are constructed on the basis of medium with electronically controlled refraction index, such as ferrite, liquid dielectric, having metallic and dielectric particles in suspension, and metallic delay structures. The creation of such antennas requires solution of problems both in the theoretical area and in manufacturing new antenna components. In many cases controlled lenses have many similarities with deflectors widely used in optical systems, mainly when solid environments are using for their construction. In considered below radiolenses, as well as in optical deflectors, diffraction grating is formed with parameters corresponding to the given angle of a beam deviation, the one basic of the them is the period of a refraction index change in the orthogonal direction to the electromagnetic wave propagated in the lens. The basic feature of considered system is the presence of strong distributed interaction via high-frequency electromagnetic field between areas of a lens with different refraction index. Such distributed interaction in a big extent determines the characteristics of controlled lenses.
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Bei, N.A. Antennas with controlled lenses. Proc. of XXVIII Sci. Moscow Int. Conf. on Antenna Theory and Technology, 22-24 September 1998, Moscow, Russia.