Means of radio-acoustic antennas interference immunity improving


  • Yu. N. Ulyanov Terminal Ltd., Ukraine
  • V. S. Bedin Terminal Ltd., Ukraine
  • Svetlana V. Butakova Kharkiv Air Force Institute, Ukraine



Strong wind shears in the lower atmosphere constitute a major hazard for modern aeroplanes takeoffs and landings. At least one aircraft disaster per year is caused by this factor. Our investigations are focused on the sodar–radio-acoustic-sounding-system (RASS) to be developed in order to be used for monitoring low-level wind shears over airports. When getting such an information air-traffic–controllers might assist pilots to avoid disasters conditioned by this reason (Fig. 1). With the developed by us ground–based sodar–RASS complex all the weather changes might be registered without using balloons, towers, kites, etc. Penetrating clouds, heavy pollution, snow and low level inversions, it enable one to obtain temperature and wind vertical profiles in real time as well as the space-time turbulence structure reliably.


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