Investigation of parameters of loop oscillator with distribute reactive load
Loop antennas are widely used in antenna technology due to their simple construction. Recently, to overcome their main disadvantage, a narrow frequency band, modifications of such antennas have been developed. In particular, loop antenna with reactive loads based on a loop oscillator (LO) are known. There are concentrated capacitances that are connected into the circuit between passive arms and also between each active and passive arms in loop antennas. The principle of functioning of the loop oscillator with concentrated loads can be explained when considering an antenna input impedance with the inphase and antiphase excitation method [2].References
Ovsyannikov, V.V. Oscillators with Reactive Loads. Moscow: Radio i Svyaz, 1985 [in Russian].
Aisenberg, G.Z.; Belousov, S.P.; Zhurbenko, E.M.; et al. Short-Wave Antennas. Moscow: Radio i Svyaz, 1985 [in Russian, ed. by G.Z. Aisenberg].
Feldshein, A.L.; Yavich, L.R.; Smirnov, V.P. Handbook on Elements of Waveguide Engineering. Moscow: Radio i Svyaz, 1969 [in Russian].
LGA, printed antennas