A leaky-wave integrated antenna based on a prism coupled to a dielectric waveguide


  • Svetlana V. Boriskina MIT, Boston, United States
  • A. I. Nosich Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine




Dielectric prisms are widely utilized in the design of the millimeter wave and optical functional components, which are used in communication systems [1, 2]. Dielectric prisms coupled to open dielectric waveguides can also be used as versatile leaky-wave antennas due to their ability to convert a waveguide surface wave to a beam [2]. Among their advantages are low weight, low losses, simple coupling technique and high radiation efficiency. For any given prism configuration and wavelength, the radiation angle of a beam varies with the surface mode number. If a waveguide supports several higher-order modes, the output far-field radiation pattern has several well-defined beams corresponding to these modes.


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