A leaky-wave integrated antenna based on a prism coupled to a dielectric waveguide
Dielectric prisms are widely utilized in the design of the millimeter wave and optical functional components, which are used in communication systems [1, 2]. Dielectric prisms coupled to open dielectric waveguides can also be used as versatile leaky-wave antennas due to their ability to convert a waveguide surface wave to a beam [2]. Among their advantages are low weight, low losses, simple coupling technique and high radiation efficiency. For any given prism configuration and wavelength, the radiation angle of a beam varies with the surface mode number. If a waveguide supports several higher-order modes, the output far-field radiation pattern has several well-defined beams corresponding to these modes.References
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Hunsperger, R.G. Integrated Optics. Theory and Technology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp. 93-105.
Nosich, A.I. The Method of Analytical Regularization in Wave Scattering and Eigenvalue Problems. IEEE Antennas Propag. Magazine, 1999, Vol. 42, No. 3.
Elliot, D.F.; Rao, K.R. Fast Fourier Transforms: Algorithms. New York: Academic Press, 1982.
LGA, printed antennas