Method and algorithms of PAA RP synthesis adaptive to its elements failure
Algorithms of PAA adaptation for technical conditions and algorithms of self focusing under failure of a part of the beam control system (BCS) executive elements or under non-excitation of a number of channels become low-efficient. The reason is that the restoration of the calculated (non-disturbed) amplitude-phase distribution (APD) in the rest of the con-trolled channels doesn't mean achieving the aims of adaptation for the integral criteria, for example, scattering coefficient minimum.
In the case, when the array has uncontrolled or non-excited channels, the APD synthesis problem is to be solved for a remained serviceable part of the array in order to provide significantly more improved values of the chosen array qualitative indices than of the array with failures under calculated APD.
The aim of this paper is to consider the method and algorithms of such a APD synthesis problem solution in the real time.