Space-time modulation of signals in a ring antenna array
The rise of reguirements to quality of the information circulating in radioelectronic system (RES) and rate of its exchange led to the fact that traditional circuits of antenna construction have practically exhausted their resources. The use of phased antenna arrays, i.e. the systems with spatial phase-time modulation (or filtration) of signal has sufficiently raised the efficiency of RES. However at present in a number of cases this is deficient so far. One of the methods of further increase of system capabilities is the use of a more complex multiparametric joint, space-time, frequency and phase modulation of radiated signals. Therefore the publications devoted to the discussion of space-time characteristics of antenna radiation with such a modulation appear in the literature more frequently. But it is true, that in these works the characteristics of linear (or plane) antennas [1, 2] are considered and practically there are no publications on multiparametric modulation in the ring (cylindrical) radiating systems.
The purpose of this work is the discussion of space-time characteristics in a far-zone field on a ring antenna array with multiparametric modulation of signals. The consideration is carried out on the example of “superfast” circular scanning organization (with the frequency to several per cent from the carrier).
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