The accuracy of joint estimation of signal parameters of the antenna arrays in the case of non-Gaussian interference


  • Y. P. Kunchenko Cherkassy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ukraine
  • V. A. Danyk Cherkassy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ukraine
  • T. V. Prokopenko Cherkassy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ukraine



The dispersions of joint estimation of the parameters of harmonic signal are presented in the article. Array’s sensors receive the signal at the background of non-Gaussian interference. It’s presumed, that estimation are calculated by the method of polynomial maximisation for order equal to S= 1, 2, 3, 4. It’s shown that for non-Gaussian interferences the dispersions of joint estimations can be significantly smaller than the dispersions of estimations in the case of Gaussian interference.


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AA, AAA, smart antennas and signal processing