Active phased antenna arrays radiating LFM pulse packet


  • V. L. Gostuykhin Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation
  • V. N. Trusov Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation
  • A. V. Gostuykhin Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation



As known [1], active antennas arrays are widely used nowadays because of the significantly improving of a number of radiosystem’s performances. It is usually assumed that the APAA is radiating continuously or as if continuously. Thereby the problems of modulating signal’s radiating of APAA aren’t investigated. When modulated signals are considered it is very important to choose the approach to modulation method: in exciter on ir ending cascades of active modules.

The goal of the work — the investigation of technology non-stability factors’ influence on the APAA performances (radiated power, side-lobe level, etc.) for the case of LFM radio-pulse signals.


Gostuykhin, V. L.; Trusov, V.N.; Klimachev, K.G.; Danich, U.S. Active Phased Antenna Arrays. Moscow: Radio and Communication, 1993 [in Russian, ed. by V. L. Gostuykhin].

The Reference Book on Radio-Radar, Vol. 1. New-York, 1970 [ed. by M. Skolnic].

Belov, L.A.; Blagoveshensky, M.V.; Bogachev, B.M. Radio-Transmitting Devices. High-School Textbook. Moscow: Radio and Communication, 1982 [in Russian].





AA, AAA, smart antennas and signal processing