Dual-reflector omnidirectional antenna for MMDS base stations





Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System (MMDS) along with cable net represent the most convenient way to distribute TV and radio signals over a small area. Asynchronous access to the Inter-net can also be realized via MMDS. MMDS base-stations, covering a circle area, employ antennas, that produce omnidirectional radiation patterns in the azimuth plane. Common methods of achieving a uniform azimuth distribution are using arrays of surface slots on a circular or coaxial waveguide, arrays of vibrators, etc. Another way is a dual-reflector omnidirectional antenna, which consists of a waveguide feed, sub- and main reflectors, shaped to produce the prescribed elevation pattern. The antenna axisymmetry along with properly designed feed ensure azimuthal omnidirectionality. Such antenna has a number of advantages: high gain, shaped elevation pattern, vertical and horizontal polarizations at the same time. TM01, TE01 as well as H11 excitation may be utilized.

A new mathematical model of such antennas, allowing VSWR calculation, has been given in [1]. In this paper the results of design, simulation and measurement of the dual-reflector omnidirectional antenna for MMDS (11.7–13.5 GHz) are presented.


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