Reflective properties of one-dimensional PBG dielectric structures with doubled quasi-periodicity of permittivity


  • I. Y. Vorgul Kharkiv State University, Ukraine
  • Alexandr G. Nerukh Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine



In the last years research activities on Photonic Bandgap (PBG) structures as artificial periodic and quasi-periodic structures whose transmission proper-ties exhibit frequency bands where the propagation of electromagnetic waves is forbidden [1], becomes one of the most actual direction in compact design of wireless communication systems. It is known also that such structures can display properties of band-pass filters by disruption of the periodicity [2]. The microstrip patch antenna is one of the most prefered structures for low cost and compact design. PBG technology is considered as a promising new solution to the problems of the antennas limitations for high frequencies such as narrow bandwidth, low gain and surface wave losses [3].

In spite of impressive progress in the new and emerging area of PBG engineering in recent years, their development by increasing complexity of the structures (as, for example, dual periodicity) toward the improved model is still actual. The criteria for such an optimization are the gap width and shape (preferably a rectangular-like one) as well as the structure dispersion and simplicity of their fabrication.

In this paper we propose a planar structure as a dielectric layer with double-quasi-periodical permittivity for using as a reflector or planar antenna substrate. An additional complexity of the structure allows to obtain high reflection for a wide band or sharp resonances on defined frequencies as well as a sufficient reflected field phase shift for some parameters combinations. A case of an abrupt temporal change of the permittivity in such structures is also considered showing an appearance of additional frequencies in the reflected field.


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