An evaluation of the intensity of the electromagnetic field, reflected from the aerodynamic target in an above-water surface waveguide
There are works [1] considering the theoretical principles of radio waves propagation in above-water surface tropospheric waveguide, but till now a practical evaluation for methodical calculations of actual above-water surface tropospheric waveguides has not been carried out yet.
Therefore the purpose of the present paper is to describe a method allowing to determine not only a field in the middle of tropospheric waveguide, but a power of a signal reflected from a target being at low altitude in the middle of tropospheric waveguide as well.
Shirman, Ya. D.; Manzhos, V.H. Theory and Technique of Radar Data Processing at the Back-Ground of Interferences. Мoscow: Radio i Sviaz, 1981 [in Russian].
Radar Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1970 [ed. by M. J. Skolnik].