The determined approach to calculation of radiolines in urban conditions


  • L. I. Ponomarev Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation
  • M. G. Alekseyenko Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation
  • A. Y. Ganitsev Moscow State Aviation Institute, Russian Federation



Up to now, the problem of electromagnetic field calculation in urban environment is topical. It is due to both intensive development of a mobile radio communication means and problems of electromagnetic compatibility of radioelectronic means provision. There are different approaches to the solution of this task — determined [1–6], statistical [7–9], and also complex [10]. However, accuracy of offered methods in a number of cases is insufficient.


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Ponomarev, L.I.; Alekseyenko, M.G.; Ganitsev, A.Y. The determined approach to calculation of urban radiolines for cellular systems of communications. Antennas, 1999, No. 1.

