On the synthesis of antennas with an optimal ratio between the demand factor and the angle of concentration of the radiated/received power


  • G. A. Evstropov SC NPK NIIDAR, Russian Federation
  • S. A. Smirnov SC NPK NIIDAR, Russian Federation




The demand factor (Kk) introduced in [1] is equal to the ratio between the power radiated by an antenna in some solid angle to the total radiated power. If we define the solid angle as the angle corresponding to the lobe of the radiation pattern (RP), then the demand factor is uniquely defined by the diffusing factor (Kr; Kk = 1 – Kr) which is equal to the ratio of the power radiated in the direction of the side lobes to the total radiated power [2]. In general, both the de-mand factor and the angle of concentration have independent values. In [3] it was shown that the power, received by an antenna of a radiometric research station (RMS) under realistic conditions does not depend on the antenna size and is proportional to Kk, and the solid angle (Ωk) coincides with the angular discrimination of the RMS. The values are similar for radar installations with continuous radiation [4] with a fixed system of radiation pattern on reception, and also in some active radio ecological stations.


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