The antenna sub-system for meteosat second generation satellites


  • Kees van’t Klooster European Space Agency, Netherlands
  • M. DiFausto Alenia Spazio, Italy
  • V. Santachiara Alenia Spazio, Italy
  • P. Carrati Alenia Spazio, Italy
  • A. R. Rosa EcoEngineering S.r.l., Ardea, Italy
  • P. Russo Space Engineering, Italy
  • B. Robert Alcatel Space Industries, France



The Meteosat Second Generation project (MSG) concerns a launch and operation of three new satellites in the coming years. MSG continues meteorological services, which are currently provided by the very successful first generation of satellites in the Meteosat Operational Program (MOP), operated by Eumetsat. MSG expands on the services offered by MOP by providing more frequently data in more observation bands, with higher resolution. The telecommunication system for the MSG satellite transmits the measured data to the primary ground station and receives and re-transmits pre-processed images and meteorological data from the latter station. It collects meteorological data from data collection platforms. The MSG satellite carries also a Search and Rescue transponder. The antenna sub-system has been specifically designed for the necessary functions and permits appropriate data throughput with the satellite spinning at a rate of 100 revolutions per minute. The antenna sub-system for MSG is explained, after a short general description.

References, also under remote sensing, /msg.

Van‘t Klooster, C.G.M.; Jensen, N.E. Antennas for Scientific and Remote Sensing Satellites. JINA Antenna Conference, 1990.

Alenia Spazio, Nicolai, Meteosat Antenna System. Alenia Revista, 1976.

