Approximate analysis of the rectification efficiency for large-aperture rectennas


  • Yu. A. Luchaninov Kharkiv State Technical University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr M. Shokalo Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Ukraine



Large-aperture rectenna (LR) is the output device of wireless power transmitting system (WPTS), the principle of functioning of which is based on power transmitting with a focused microwave beam from a transmitting antenna to a rectenna located in the Fresnel region and transforming the received power into direct current (DC). WPTS efficiency is characterized by the value of the resulting efficiency defined by the product of partial efficiencies of interception, rectification and DC power collecting.

The problem of creating a method for calculation of the resulting efficiency is described by many publications [1-3] but up-to-date this problem has not been solved completely. The influence of the phase distribution of the field exciting a rectenna on its rectification efficiency has not been studied yet. A partial solution of this problem is the object of our publication.


Konovaltsev, A.A.; Luchaninov, A.I.; Shokalo, V.M.; Shcherbina, A.A. Large-Aperture Rectenna Arrays. Theory and Experiment. Space Energy and Transportation, 1996, No. 2-3.

Goubau, G.; Shwering, F. On the guided propagation of electromagnetic wave beams. IRE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 1961, Vol. AP-9, p. 248-256.

Shokalo, V.M.; Rybalko, A.M. Optimization and analysis of efficiency of the system of power transmission through microwave beam. Space Energy and Transportation, 1996, No. 2-3.

Sherman, J. Properties of Focused Apertures in the Fresnel Region. IRE Trans. Antennas Propagation, 1996, Vol. AP-10, p. 399-408.

