Educational problems on antenna and circuits theory at computer classroom


  • N. Ermakova State University 'Lvivska Polytekhnika', Ukraine



The indisputable advantages of using computer systems for teaching high-school students on complicated technical subjects are obvious. For example, an improvement takes place due to a bright visualization, access to the data base, the saving of knowledge testing time and opening a way of carrying out of creative projects. This had led to creation of such a great number of teaching programs with different features, that there appears a necessity of not only classification but a whole educational concept definition under new conditions and direction of projects.

With the purpose to improve material showing now it is designed a graphics software for antenna radiation pattern investigation in the dialogue mode, as well as an animation software for showing, for example, vector interspacing, the conversion of catesian coordinate system on antenna surface into cylindrical one in the observation zone, the demonstration of electric field intensity vector components on antenna surface and their influence on polarization characteristics, for showing the dynamics of elliptically and linearly polarized electric field vectors in space and time, and transforming onto the observation surface.


Agapova, O.I.; Krivosheev, A.O.; Ushakov, A.S. About three generations of computer education technologies. Informatika i Obrazovanie, 1994, No. 2, p. 34-40.

