Presentations and Authors

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Invited papers

The development of antenna theory and techniques in Lviv Polytechnic National University
Yu. Ya. Bobalo, V. P. Antoniuk, V. D. Golynskyy, Viktor V. Hoblyk, Leonid V. Lazko, D. O. Mymrikov, V. G. Nikitchenko, Ivan N. Prudyus, G. S. Radzih, V. G. Storozh, Eugenia I. Yakovenko, Y. A. Zakharia, A. M. Zubkov

General antenna theory

The electromagnetic waves diffraction on finite aperture array
A. A. Borodinskiy, V. V. Zemlyakov, Aleksander M. Lerer, Gennadiy P. Sinyavsky

Reflector, lens and hybrid antennas

Sphero-conical spiral antenna
A. V. Lukjanchikov, V. N. Salazko, I. A. Evstigneev
Plasmon antenna with complex profile of dielectric permittivity change
Viktor V. Hoblyk, I. V. Nychai, O. M. Liske

Antenna arrays

EM analysis of planar electronically scanned array antennas with radiating element errors
C. S. Wang, M. Liu, L. H. Ping, H. Bao
Antenna array development with non-linear signal processing
Lyubov M. Lobkova, A. V. Lukjanchikov

Ultra-wideband, broadband and multi frequency antennas

Analysis and design of plasma monopole antenna
Wei Li, Jinghui Qiu, Ying Suo

Antennas for remote sensing

The usage features of multifrequency space-time signals in super-fast scanning radar with active phased antenna array
V. K. Gorshkov, I. N. Leonov, Y. N. Sedyshev, A. F. Shevchenko, V. A. Tyutyunnik
An effective approach to the fast, GPU-based, through-wall imaging
A. Capozzoli, C. Curcio, G. D’Elia, G. Iadarola, A. Liseno, P. Vinetti
Experimental research of active UWB video pulse scanning antenna array
Yu. B. Gurfinkel, A. P. Kurochkin, V. F. Los', A. G. Ostrovsky
Nufft-based imaging of vegetation on graphic cards
A. Capozzoli, C. Curcio, G. D’Elia, A. Di Vico, A. Liseno, P. Vinetti
Filtering of remote sensing images formed by synthetic aperture radar
N. N. Ponomarenko, V. V. Lukin, S. K. Abramov, K. O. Egiazarian

Analytical and numerical methods

Scattering properties of carbon nanotube antennas
Aleksander M. Lerer, V. V. Makhno, P. V. Makhno, Oleg S. Labunko
An optimized MAS for solving scattering problems
A. Capozzoli, C. Curcio, G. D’Elia, G. De Bono, A. Liseno, P. Vinetti

Industrial and medical applications of microwave technologies

The system of longitudinal slots in a waveguide with dielectric layer
A. A. Lyakhovsky, A. F. Lyakhovsky, Natalya K. Blinova, Ludmila P. Yatsuk