Invited papers
The development of antenna theory and techniques in Lviv Polytechnic National University | |
Yu. Ya. Bobalo, V. P. Antoniuk, V. D. Golynskyy, Viktor V. Hoblyk, Leonid V. Lazko, D. O. Mymrikov, V. G. Nikitchenko, Ivan N. Prudyus, G. S. Radzih, V. G. Storozh, Eugenia I. Yakovenko, Y. A. Zakharia, A. M. Zubkov |
General antenna theory
Resonance properties of quasiperiodic layered structures | |
M. V. Andreev, Valentin F. Borulko, Oleg O. Drobakhin, D. V. Sidorov |
Thin vibrators with arbitrary excitation and surface impedance | |
Mikhail V. Nesterenko, Victor A. Katrich, V. M. Dakhov, Sergey L. Berdnik |
The electromagnetic waves diffraction on finite aperture array | |
A. A. Borodinskiy, V. V. Zemlyakov, Aleksander M. Lerer, Gennadiy P. Sinyavsky |
Reflector, lens and hybrid antennas
A double-reflector antenna of millimeter range with wide-angle scanning | |
N. M. Naumovich, V. Muravjev, Oleg A. Yurtsev, D. Moskaliov, V. V. Kizimenko, S. Baty |
Radiation characteristics of a novel "ring-in-cone" antenna | |
Fedor F. Dubrovka, V. L. Bankowsky |
Antenna arrays
Adjustment and beam forming in circular antenna array with conformal and phase scanning | |
Yuri Y. Bobkov, Oleg A. Yurtsev, A. Moiseev, D. Moskaliov |
EM analysis of planar electronically scanned array antennas with radiating element errors | |
C. S. Wang, M. Liu, L. H. Ping, H. Bao |
Bee swarm algorithm for synthesis of antenna arrays | |
A. Yu. Galan, R. Sauleau, A. I. Nosich, Artem V. Boriskin |
Adaptive antennas, smart antennas, signal processing
Investigation of the reconfigurable antenna with a set of PIN diodes | |
P. Bajurko, Yevhen M. Yashchishyn |
Low-gain, printed antennas
Numerical analysis of patch antenna as antenna array element | |
V. V. Kizimenko, Yuri Y. Bobkov |
Antennas for mobile communications
Shaping coverage using antenna arrays for load-balancing in cellular networks | |
J. Wu, Rostyslav F. Dubrovka, J. Bigham, P. Jiang |
Wireless backhaul in cellular networks using phased array antenna with optically controlled phase shifter | |
P. Jiang, Rostyslav F. Dubrovka, Rob S. Donnan, J. Bigham, J. Wu |
Antennas for remote sensing
Near-field microwave tomography | |
K. P. Gaikovich, P. K. Gaikovich, Ye. S. Maksimovitch, V. A. Badeev, V. A. Mikhnev |
Antenna measurements
Determination of parameters of antenna model in the form of point sources using scanning measurements | |
M. V. Andreev, Valentin F. Borulko |
Analytical and numerical methods
An optimized MAS for solving scattering problems | |
A. Capozzoli, C. Curcio, G. D’Elia, G. De Bono, A. Liseno, P. Vinetti |
Industrial and medical applications of microwave technologies
The process of recovery of cell membrane damage produced by the lowlevel microwave radiation | |
Vladimir N. Pasiuga, Yuriy G. Shckorbatov, Nikolay N. Kolchigin, Dmitrij D. Ivanchenko, V. I. Bykov |
The system of longitudinal slots in a waveguide with dielectric layer | |
A. A. Lyakhovsky, A. F. Lyakhovsky, Natalya K. Blinova, Ludmila P. Yatsuk |
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