Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’05 - V International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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A maltypurpose anechoic chamber for researches of antennas
V. I. Dranovs’kyy, Viktor V. Ovsyanikov, O. L. Olshevskiy, V. M. Popel’

Last modified: 2014-05-24


The radiation-aperture characteristics are investigated in a band 1-20 GHz in both near and far zones. The optimum distances between the investigated antenna, a collimation mirror, and the collimation mirror irradiator of the compact testing chamber for antennas are determined. The main features of the collimation mirror and the compact testing chamber are presented.


сompact testing antenna chamber; anechoic camera; collimation mirror; Fresnel's a diffraction theory; pattern; microwave measurements

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