Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’05 - V International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

Adaptive antenna for measuring electromagnetic wave polarization parameters
Ludvig Ya. Ilnitskiy, Andriy V. Fetsun

Last modified: 2014-03-10


The suggested antenna system, which consists of two linearly polarized radiators and signal processing devices, can be adapted to any polarization of an electromagnetic wave. At the expense of consecutive use of signal processing channels antenna polarization parameter adjustment errors are minimal with regard to the values of the same electromagnetic wave parameters. Using characteristics of the antenna itself this method of polarization adaptation enables to determine polarization ellipse parameters of incident electromagnetic wave.

Antenna can be applied to define direction of the incident wave. When measuring polarization parameters, the ability to find the direction of the wave is used to locate radiators of the antenna system in the wave input plane.


polarization adaptation; polarization compatibility coefficient; direction finding

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