Scientific Conferences of Ukraine, ICATT’05 - V International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques

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Reflector antenna with the hide of the edges by radioabsorbing screens
Е. А. Ryabokon, A. Z. Sazonov, Oleg I. Sukharevsky

Last modified: 2014-03-12


The method of 2-D reflector antenna system model calculation is offered. The considered antenna system consists of perfectly conducting reflector and two radioabsorbing screens, which hide its edges. Comparative results of calculation of the surface current density and the fields scattered by the reflector antenna and considered antenna system with radioabsorbing screens in the case of Е-polarization are submitted. The method of calculation takes into account for interaction between the elements of the antenna system, and is fair both for near, and far zone.


reflector antenna; perfectly absorbing objects

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